LinkedIn Microsoft Azure Skill Assessment Answers 2023 - ( Updated )


LinkedIn Microsoft Azure Skill Assessment Answers 2023. We have shared 100% right and top score all the questions and answers. take this test and grow your online career.

100% right and top score all the questions and answers. Take this test and grow your online career.

The easiest way to learn more about the LinkedIn Microsoft Azure Skill Assessment is to take it. 

This test will assess your skills on the topic. It will also determine how many skill points you have on the topic. This test is an easy way to determine your total skill points and online career.

It is always important to find a job that is suitable for you. With the current technological advancements and the changing job market, finding a job has become a bit challenging. That is why LinkedIn Microsoft Azure Skill Assessment is an important part of our everyday lives. This blog will help you in preparing for the Skill Assessment.

LinkedIn Microsoft Azure Skill Assessment Answers 2023 - ( Updated )

Bindings in Azure Function triggers have a direction property that is always _____

  1. asynchronous

  2. In

  3. out

  4. Parallel

You have a set of SQL databases used with various PaaS applications with predictable usage patterns. You are planning to move these databases to Azure SQL and need to choose the right deployment option. Your priorities are minimizing costs, and having the ability to assign CPU and storage resources to individual databases. Which option should you choose?

  1. SQL on Azure VMs

  2. Azure SQL Database

  3. Azure SQL elastic pool

  4. SQL Managed Instance

The kineteco Inventory App uses an Azure SQL Database instance to store application and store inventory data. Store employees report occasional periods where queries in the web interface never return data. You suspect a database issue and need to identify the performance issue as soon as possible. The resource health dashboard reports "No health related issues found." What should you do?

  1. Run the troubleshooting wizards under Resource and solve problems.

  2. Configure App Insights to alert admins when web interface experiences latency.

  3. Enable Intelligent Insights.

  4. Configure an alert rule to email DBAs when DTU usage hits 100%.

You need create an application in Azure Active Directory representing the kineteco Web App so you can assign directory permissions to the app. To create the application identity, which command will you run?

  • appName="KinetecoWebApp"

az ad app permission add -display-name $appName

-- homepage "http://localhost/$appName" --identifier-uris [http://localhost/$appName](http://localhost/$appName)

  • appName="KinetecoWebApp"

az ad app credential create -display-name $appName

-- homepage "http://localhost/$appName" --identifier-uris [http://localhost/$appName] (http://localhost/$appName)

  • appName="KinetecoWebApp"

az ad app create -display-name $appName

-- homepage "http://localhost/$appName" \ --identifier-uris [http://localhost/$appName](http://localhost/$appName)

  • appName="KinetecoWebApp"

az ad app permission grant -display-name $appName

-- homepage "http://localhost/$appName" \ --identifier-uris [http://localhost/$appName](http://localhost/$appName)

Your company hosts a web application that uses Azure SQL Database to store data. You need to implement measures that allow only members of the managers group to see sensitive information. Which two actions should you perform?

  1. Implement dynamic data masking and include the managers group.

  2. Implement transparent data encryption and exclude the managers group.

  3. Implement transparent data encryption and include the managers group.

  4. Implement dynamic data masking and exclude the managers group.

You really want to make an application in Azure AD addressing the Kinetico Web App so you can allot index authorizations to the application. To make the application character, which order will you run?

  1.  slam az promotion application authorization award - show name $appName \ …

  2.  slam az advertisement application certification make - show name $appName \ …

  3.  slam az advertisement application make - show name $appName \ …

  4.  slam az advertisement application consent ass - show name $appName \ …

You really want to convey a portable message pop-up for the Kinetico Retail application, facilitated in Azure App administration. The arrangement ought to limit cost, intricacy and 

advancement exertion. Which choice would it be advisable for you to pick?


  1. Warning Hub

  2.  Occasion Hub

  3.  Twilio

  4.  Administration Bus

Your application facilitated in Azure App benefits necessities to recover mysteries from Azure Key vault. Which decision isn't a method for verifying to Key vault?


  1. administration guideline and declaration

  2.  overseen personality

  3.  administration guideline and confidential

  4.  shared admittance key

You added a steady volume guarantee to your applications YAML manifest. At the point when you endeavor to convey to a current AKS group there is no diligent volume accessible. How would it be a good idea for you to respond?


  1. Sit idle. The API server will arrangement extra capacity consequently

  2.  Add an information circle definition for the AKS cluste to your applications YAML manifest

  3.  Add an information circle to each Kubernetes bunch hub and reattempt application arrangement

  4.  Arrangement an Azure Files example and reattempt application sending

Your corporate web application is facilitated in Azure territorial server farms aroung the world. You want to course client solicitations to the nearest administration endpoint in view of reaction inactivity. Which directing strategy would it be advisable for you to utilize?


  1. Application passage

  2.  Front Door

  3.  Programming interface Management

  4.  Traffic supervisor

You are fostering a delivery technique for a few related programming parts. You really want to reference variable gatherings and secure records across different form and delivery pipelines. What is the most productive method for putting away and reference these resources from the pipeline?


  1. Add the resources for a git archive

  2.  Add the resources in Key Vault <<<<<SHOULD BE THIS ONE

  3.  Add the resources for an encoded volume

  4.  Add the resources for a library <<<< COULD BE THIS ONE TOO

You want to allow full access for an application to an impermanent Azure stockpiling account. Designing access ought to require least exertion. Which choice would it be a good idea for you to utilize?


  1. Purplish blue AD client account

  2.  Shared admittance signature

  3.  Shared key

  4.  Declaration

The Kinetico web-application runs in an Azure Kubernetes Service. You really want to screen highlight use and client route ways to recognize where upgrades are required. How would it be advisable for you to respond?


  1. Arrange application experiences companion

  2.  Introduce the Log Analytics specialist and arrange Azure Monitor for Containers

  3.  Introduce the App Insights on AKS hubs

  4.  Add instrumentation to your application to send use investigation with Application Insights.

Which decision is anything but a legitimate trigger for Azure capacities?


  1. in light of a period (plan)

  2.  another Azure assistance (universe, administration transport)

  3.  limit alert in Azure App bits of knowledge

  4.  outsider administrations

Which informing administration empowers an occasion driven programming model?


  1. Administration Bus

  2.  Occasion Hub

  3.  Notice Hub

  4.  Occasion Grid

You really want to populate a recently made SQL data set from your delivery pipeline in Azure DevOps. The arrangement ought to limit organization time and endeavors. Which approach would it be a good idea for you to utilize?


  1. Populate from BACPAC document

  2.  Reestablish from reinforcement document

  3.  populate from csv document

  4.  Populate from SQL document

You really want to have a local area site for your local affiliation. The site contains static substance, HTML CSS, and a couple of pages with client-side JS. Which choice would it be advisable for you to utilize?


  1. Sky blue capacity static site

  2.  a static site with Azure CDN

  3.  Application Service on the utilization plan

  4.  Application Service on the standard arrangement

Your association conveys various RESTful web administrations to clients all over the planet. You want to convey cloud foundation to convey these administrations to paying clients, including validation, demand choking, and directing of solicitations to the nearest administration endpoint. Which arrangement would it be a good idea for you to pick?


  1. Front entryway

  2.  Programming interface Management

  3.  Traffic supervisor

  4.  Application Gateway

You have .NET application running CM scale set. You really want to screen application execution without modyfying the code. The arrangement ought to limit the expense. How would it be advisable for you to respond?


  1. Empower network execution screen on the VMs

  2.  introduce the Log Analytics Agent and empower Azure Monitor for VMs

  3.  Introduce Application Insights Agent

  4.  Empower SolarWinds Performance Monitor from the Azure Marketplace

 While setting your CI/CD pipeline an endorsement from your item proprietor is expected before a last delivery to creation. What arrangement do you use to accomplish this?


  1. Manual mediation task

  2.  pre-organization condition

  3.  branch filer

  4.  pre-organization entryway

You need to arrange the AKS occurrence running the Kineteco Inventory App to utilize Azure Active Directory (AD) for client verification. To coordinate with AKS with Azure AD which steps would it be advisable for you to perform first?


  1. Make a help chief in Azure then appoint the assistance head AKS.

  2.  Add clients an Azure AD security bunch. Then, at that point, dole out the gathering consents to AKS.

  3.  Make an assistance chief in Azure AD. Then, at that point, add the client to the AKS security bunch.

  4.  Make an App ID in Azure AD. Then make an assistance head for the server application.

Which access convention truly does Azure Files not help?


  1. Network File System (NFS)

  2.  HTTP

  3.  REST API

  4.  Server Message Block(SMB)

You are composing an application for an outreach group. You want to carry out security in SQL Server to guarantee that salespeople see client monetary data just for clients whom they make due. Your application should make this straightforward to the client. Which SQL information security choice would it be advisable for you to pick?


  1. Dynamic Data Masking

  2.  Straightforward Data Encryption

  3.  Line Level Security

  4.  Continuously Encrypted

You design admittance to mysteries in Azure Key Vault with _____.


  1. administration chiefs

  2.  endorsements

  3.  access strategies

  4.  RBAC jobs

Your Kineteco Web App encounters periodic spikes in use that cause asset deficiencies that create a caution. Whenever this happens, you need to arrange scale-out of the App Service plan assets. The arrangement ought to limit cost and authoritative exertion. How would it be advisable for you to respond?


  1. Make a Logic App. Then design an activity bunch with the Logic App activity type.

  2.  Make an Azure Automation Runbook. Then arrange an activity bunch with the Automation Runbook activity type.

  3.  Arrange a standard in light of a measurement.

  4.  Make an Azure capacity. Then design an activity bunch with the Secure Webhook activity type.

You have CI/CD pipeline for a cutting edge web application in Azure DevOps. The CI/CD interaction incorporates both a form and a delivery pipeline. You really want to guarantee that client testing (UAT) is fruitful prior to setting off the delivery pipeline. The cycle ought to be essentially as computerized as could be expected. What would it be a good idea for you to add to your fabricate pipeline?

  1.  Inquiry Work Items door

  2.  Manual Intervention task

  3.  Endorsement entryway

  4.  Conjure REST API door

The Kineteco Web App is running on AKS to satisfy a spike in need, the flat unit autoscaler as of late provisioned extra cases, which are not generally required. How would it be a good idea for you to downsize pointless cases?


  1. Trigger scale down in Azure Container Instances.

  2.  Trigger scale down in the HPA from the Azure CLI.

  3.  Physically deprovision superfluous units.

  4.  Sit idle. EPA will start downsize consequently.

Your ARM layout, made in VS Code, is bombing approval in the form pipeline in Azure DevOps. You really want to address sentence structure issues at writing time with at least expense and exertion. How would it be advisable for you to respond?


  1. Introduce Azure expansion in VS Code.

  2.  Introduce Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise version.

  3.  Introduce Visual Studio 2019 Community version.

  4.  Introduce Visual Studio Code Intellicode expansion in VS Code.

You want to relocate the excess of an advancement project for a recently procured auxiliary. The improvement group at present purposes a Kanban board to follow stories, errands, and bugs. Which process system would it be advisable for you to choose in Azure Boards?


  1. Lithe

  2.  Cascade

  3.  Fundamental

  4.  CMMI

You have set of SQL information bases utilized with different PaaS applications with unsurprising use designs. You are intending to move these data sets to Azure SQL and have to pick the right organization choice. Your needs are limiting expenses, and being able to appoint CPU and assets to individual information bases. Which choice would it be a good idea for you to pick?


  1. Sky blue SQL flexible pool

  2.  SQL on Azure VMs

  3.  Sky blue SQL Database

  4.  SQL Managed Instance

Your photograph application facilitated in Azure records client activities in a log for authentic reference. Records should not be overwritten. Which capacity type would it be a good idea for you to choose to have log information?


  1. affix mass

  2.  table capacity

  3.  page mass

  4.  block mass

The Kineteco Retail App involves keys for marking and encryption of certain information moves. How could you compose your application to conjure keys?


  1. Sky blue CLI

  2.  Sky blue Portal

  3.  Sky blue PowerShell

  4.  REST API

You really want to make technical support chatbot for Microsoft groups that connects with clients in light of normal language handling (NLP). The bot ought to be equipped for handling contrasting sentence structures. Which Microsoft system part will convey this usefulness?


  1. LUIS

  2.  Text to Speech

  3.  QnA Maker

  4.  Recognizer

You are executing an application to oversee computerized distribution center tasks for a worldwide retailer. You really want to plan an enlistment cycle for IoT gadgets for creation use. Arrangement prerequisites are as per the following: Register IoT gadgets in mass; scramble all correspondence among gadgets and the Azure IoT cloud administration, and execute Microsoft suggestions for gadget security. Which choice would it be a good idea for you to pick?


  1. overseen personality (shared)

  2.  X.509 declaration

  3.  overseen administration personality (per gadget)

  4.  SAS key

You are sending three Azure VMS with an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) layout. Which ARM work carries out the emphasis circle to arrangement the right number of VMs? ''''{ "type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines", "name": "[concat('myvm', ______)]", "apiVersion": "2016-04-30-see", "area": "[parameters('location')]", "duplicate": { "name": "virtualMachineLoop", "count": "[parameters('numberOfInstances')]" },''''


  1. max()

  2. copyIndex()

  3. createArray()

  4. indexOf()

The Kineteco web application runs in an Azure Kubernetes Service. You want to screen highlight use and client route ways to distinguish where upgrades are required. How would it be advisable for you to respond?


  1. Introduce the Analytics specialist and arrange Azure Monitor for Containers.

  2.  Introduce the App Insights Agent on AKS hubs.

  3.  Arrange Application Insights accomplices.

  4.  Add instrumentation to your application to send use investigation with Application Insights.

Your web application facilitated on Azure VMS produces an enormous number of arbitrary (non-consecutive) composes. Which capacity type would it be a good idea for you to choose for your application?


  1. page mass

  2.  block mass

  3.  table capacity

  4.  line capacity

You are arranging a delivery pipeline in Azure DevOps. You want to reference a few application factors across different pipelines at sending time. How could you store application factors?


  1. Store mysteries in Azure Key Vault.

  2.  Store insider facts in an arrangement record.

  3.  Arrange discharge factors.

  4.  Arrange a variable gathering.

You have arranged the Kineteco Web App to run on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Application assets need to scale to meet spikes in rush hour gridlock. How would it be a good idea for you to respond? The arrangement ought to limit manual exertion and cost


  1. Arrange the even case autoscaler (HPA).

  2.  Physically scale unit when important.

  3.  Arrange burst to Azure Container Instances.

  4.  Sit idle. Units running on AKS increase consequently.

You are designing a delivery pipeline in Azure DevOps. You really want to peruse privileged insights from Azure Key Vault during pipeline execution. How could you recover application factors?


  1. with a local area created Key Vault task

  2.  with an ARM format

  3.  these responses

  4.  with an Azure CLI script in a Bash task

You want to refresh the information inside a current data set in Azure AQL with your changes. You need to test this interaction from your advancement workstation prior to integrating the update into your CI/CD cycle. Which order will you hurry to refresh the composition on the objective data set?


  1. SqlPackage.exe/TargetFile:" myapp.bacpac "/Action:Export/SourceServerName:""/SourceDatabaseName:"kinetecoweb"/SourceUser:"admin"/SourcePassword:"MyPassword"

  2.  SqlPackage.exe/TargetFile:" myapp.bacpac "/Action:Import/SourceServerName:""/SourceDatabaseName:"kinetecoweb"/SourceUser:"admin"/SourcePassword:"MyPassword" SqiPackage.exe/TargetFile :" myapp.bacpac Action:Import

  3. SqlPackage.exe/TargetFile:"./myapp.bacpac"/Action:Publish/SourceServerName:""/SourceDatabaseName:"kinetecoweb"/SourceUser:"admin"/SourcePassword:"MyPassword"

  4. SqlPackage.exe/TargetFile:"./myapp.bacpac"/Action:Extract/SourceServerName:""/SourceDatabaseName:"kinetecoweb"/SourceUser:"admin"/SourcePassword:"MyPassword"

You have web application facilitated in Azure App Service that peruses from and composes information to an Azure SQL Database back-end. You want to send email ready when your web application returns any disappointment HTTP status surrender (anything with the exception of HTTP 200) for a client demand. Which arrangement would it be advisable for you to utilize?


  1. administration map in Azure Monitor

  2.  application maps in Azure Application Insights

  3.  accessibility tests in Azure Application Insights

  4.  Profiler in Azure Application Insights

Your new delivery pipeline in Azure DevOps incorporates a Bash task that runs an Azure CLI script. The Bash task running content comes up short. The specialist setting of the specialist work in the delivery pipeline is presented beneath. The arrangement should limit cost. What would it be advisable for you to change in specialist pool settings?


  1. Change to a self-facilitated specialist pool running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or later.

  2.  Changed to a facilitated pool running Windows 2019.

  3.  Change to a facilitated specialist pool running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or later.

  4.  Change to a self-facilitated specialist pool running Windows 2019.

You are choosing a cloud informing answer for your retail portable application. Necessities for the arrangement are Process messages in the request they are gotten: save messages in the event of a handling delay; end ensure message conveyance. Which arrangement would it be advisable for you to utilize?


  1. Occasion Grid

  2.  Administration Bus

  3.  Occasion Hub

  4.  Line Storage

You really want to arrangement a port planning on the fundamental hub that permits the application to be gotten to straightforwardly with the IP address and on the group hub. Which administration type would it be advisable for you to arrangement?


  1. LoadBalancer

  2.  NodePort

  3.  Bunch IP

  4.  ExternalName

What is the contrast between a client relegated oversaw personality and a framework allocated oversaw character?


  1. The lifecycle of a client oversaw character is overseen independently from the asset.

  2.  with a client appointed oversaw personality, Azure deals with the secret word for you.

  3.  The lifecycle of a framework oversaw character is overseen independently from the asset.

  4.  with a framework allocated oversaw character, Azure deals with the secret word for you.

You want to design client admittance to Azure DevOps specialist pools to meet the accompanying necessities: Use a specialist pool while creating construct or delivery pipelines for the task; view the specialist pool and specialists of the association, and utilize the guideline of least honor. What job enrollments are expected for the Azure DevOps association and the task?


  1. Association: Administrator; Project: Service Account

  2.  Association: Reader; Project: Service Account

  3.  Association: Reader; Project: Administrator

  4.  Association: Service Account; Project: Reader

You have made an Azure CLI script for a delivery pipeline in Azure DevOps. You really want to reference the functioning catalog for the running position. Which variable would it be advisable for you to reference?


  1. Agent.WorkFolder

  2.  Agent.HomeDirectory

  3.  Agent.BuildDirectory

  4.  Agent.ToolsDirectory

You are choosing Azure innovations for a new a pp that will interaction print occupations in an office with huge number of printers. A pool of specialist processes willsend occupations to printer and report results when occupations are finished. Necessities for the arrangement are: Worker cycles will recover and deal with messages as limit licenses; assuming a specialist interaction or printer falls flat, a laborer cycle ought to have the option to recover the message and resurne handling; and the arrangement ought to keep a focal (server-side) log of messages handled. Which arrangement would it be a good idea for you to utilize?


  1. Occasion Hub

  2.  Occasion Grid

  3.  Administration Bus

  4.  Line Storage


We hope you enjoyed our blog post about LinkedIn Microsoft Azure Skill Assessment Answers 2023. It is so important to make sure your skills are up to date. They are needed to get the job you want and to maintain your credibility in your career. Make sure you take the time to take this LinkedIn Microsoft Azure Skill Assessment Answers 2023 test and make sure you are at the top of your game. If you need any more help, please reach out to us. Thank you for reading, we would love to hear from you!

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