LinkedIn Python Assessment Test Answers 2022 - ( Latest Updated )


We offer all LinkedIn Skill Test questions and answers for free. Here are some LinkedIn Python Assessment Test Answers 2022. We hope you find the answers to be a great result in LinkedIn's Python exam. So, it will help you a lot to build a career in LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Python Assessment Test Answers 2022

Q1. What's an abstract abstract class?

  1. Associate abstract category could be a name for associated category from which you'll be able to instantiate an object.

  2. Abstract categories should be redefined associated time an object is instantiated from them

  3. Abstract categories should inherit from concrete categories.

  4. Associate abstract category exists solely in order that alternative "concrete" categories will inherit from the abstract category.

Ans: Abstract categories should inherit from concrete categories.

Q2. What happens once you use the constitution to perform "any()" on a list?

  1. The "any()" performs every way to return any item from the list.

  2. The "any()" perform returns True if any item within the list evaluates to True. Otherwise, it returns False.

  3. The "any()" performs as arguments the list to envision within, and therefore the item to envision for. If "any" of the things within the list match the item to envision for, the perform returns True.

  4. The "any()" perform returns a mathematician price that answers the question "Are there any things during this list?"

Ans: The "any()" perform returns True if any item within the list evaluates to True. Otherwise, it returns False

Q3. What arrangement will a binary tree degenerate to if it is not balanced properly?

  1. Connected list

  2. queue

  3. set

  4. OrderedDict

Ans: Connected list

Q4. What's a static method?

  1. Static ways are known as static as a result of they invariably come back "None".

  2. Static ways are often sure to either a category or associate instance of a category.

  3. They serve largely as utility ways or helper ways since they can not access or modify a class's state.

  4. Static ways will modify the state of a category or an instance of a category.

Ans: They serve largely as utility ways or helper ways since they can not access or modify a class's state.

Q5. What are attributes?

  1. Attributes are long-form versions of associate "if/else" statements, used once testing for equality between objects.

  2. Attributes are the way to carry knowledge or describe a state for a category or associate instance of a category.

  3. Attributes are strings that describe characteristics of a category.

  4. Perform arguments are known as "attributes" within the context of sophistication ways and instance ways.

Ans: Perform arguments are known as "attributes" within the context of sophistication ways and instance ways.

Q6. What's the term to explain this code?

  1. Count, fruit, price = (2, 'apple', 3.5)

  2. tuple assignment

  3. tuple unpacking

  4. tuple matching

  5. tuple duplication

Ans: tuple assignment

Q7. What constitutional list technique would you utilize to get rid of things from a list?

  1. ".delete()" technique

  2. pop(my_list)

  3. Del(my_list)

  4. ".pop()" technique

Ans: ".pop()" technique

Q8. What's one in every of the foremost common uses of Python's sys library?

  1. To capture command-line arguments given at a file's runtime

  2. to attach varied systems, like connecting an online front, associate API service, a database, and a mobile app

  3. to require a snap of all the packages and libraries in your virtual atmosphere

  4. to scan the health of your Python scheme whereas within a virtual atmosphere

Ans: To capture command-line arguments given at a file's runtime

Q9. What's the runtime of accessing a price during a lexicon by mistreating its key?

  1. "O(n)", additionally known as linear time

  2. "O(log n)", additionally known as exponent time

  3. "O(n^2)", additionally known as quadratic time

  4. "O(1)", additionally known as constant time

Ans: "O(1)", additionally known as constant time

Q10. What's the right syntax for outlining a category known as Game?

  1. Category Game: pass

  2. def Game(): pass

  3. def Game: pass

  4. category Game(): pass

Ans: Category Game: pass

Q11. What's the right way to write a doctest?

  • Def sum(a, b):


sum(4, 3)


sum(-4, 5)



come back a + b

  • def sum(a, b):


>>> sum(4, 3)


>>> sum(-4, 5)



come back a + b

  • def sum(a, b):


# >>> sum(4, 3)

# 7

# >>> sum(-4, 5)

# 1


come back a + b

Ans: def sum(a, b):


>>> sum(4, 3)


>>> sum(-4, 5)



come back a + b

Q12. What constitutional Python knowledge sort is often accustomed to represent a stack?

  1. Set

  2. list

  3. None. You'll be able to solely build a stack from scratch.

  4. Dictionary

Ans: list

Q13. What would this expression return?

College_years = ['Freshman', 'Sophomore', 'Junior', 'Senior']

return list(enumerate(college_years, 2019)

  1. [('Freshman', 2019), ('Sophomore', 2020), ('Junior', 2021), ('Senior', 2022)]

  2. [(2019, 2020, 2021, 2022), ('Freshman', 'Sophomore', 'Junior', 'Senior')]

  3. [('Freshman', 'Sophomore', 'Junior', 'Senior'), (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)]

  4. [(2019, 'Freshman'), (2020, 'Sophomore'), (2021, 'Junior'), (2022, 'Senior')]

Ans: [(2019, 'Freshman'), (2020, 'Sophomore'), (2021, 'Junior'), (2022, 'Senior')]

Q14. However will "defaultdict" work?

  1. "defaultdict" can mechanically produce a lexicon for you that has keys that are the integers 0-10

  2. "defaultdict" forces a lexicon to solely settle for keys that are of the kinds such as once you created the "defaultdict" (such as string or integers).

  3. If you are trying to access a key during a lexicon that does not exist, "defaultdict" can produce a brand-new key for you rather than throwing a "KeyError".

  4. "defaultdict" stores a replica of a lexicon in memory that you just will default to if the initial gets accidentally changed.

Ans: If you are trying to access a key during a lexicon that does not exist, "defaultdict" can produce a brand-new key for you rather than throwing a "KeyError".

Q15. What's the right syntax for outlining a category known as "Game", if it inherits from a parent category known as "LogicGame"?

  1. class Game.LogicGame(): pass

  2. def Game(LogicGame): pass

  3. category Game(LogicGame): pass

  4. def Game.LogicGame(): pass

Ans: category Game(LogicGame): pass

Q16. What's the aim of the "self" keyword once process or business instance methods?

  1. self implies that no alternative arguments ar needed to be passed into the tactic

  2. there's no real purpose for the self method; it's simply historic engineering jargon that Python keeps remaining per alternative programming languages

  3. self refers to the instance whose technique was known as

  4. self refers to the category that was genetic from to form the thing mistreatment self

Q17. that of those isn't a characteristic of named tuples?

  1. you'll be able to assign a reputation to every of the named tuple members and discuss with them that means, equally to however you'd access keys in lexicon

  2. every member of a named tuple object are often indexed to directly, a bit like during a regular tuple

  3. named tuples ar even as memory economical as regular tuples

  4. No import is required to use named tuples as a result of they're obtainable within the normal library

Q18. What's the associate instance method?

  1. Instance ways will modify the state of associate instance or the state of its parent category

  2. Instance ways hold knowledge associated with the instance

  3. associate instance technique is any category technique that doesn't take any arguments

  4. associate instance technique could be a regular perform that belongs to a category, however it should come back None

Q19. That selection is the most syntactically correct example of conditional branching?

  • Num_people = five

if num_people > 10;

print("There may be a heap of individuals within the pool.")

elif num_people > 4;

print("There area unit some individuals within the pool.")

elif num_people > 0;

print("There area unit many individuals within the pool.")


print("There isn't anyone within the pool.")

  • num_people = five

if num_people > 10;

print("There may be a heap of individuals within the pool.")

if num_people > 4;

print("There area unit some individuals within the pool.")

if num_people > 0;

print("There area unit many individuals within the pool.")


print("There isn't anyone within the pool.")

  • num_people = five

if num_people > 10:

print("There may be a heap of individuals within the pool.")

elif num_people > 4:

print("There area unit some individuals within the pool.")

elif num_people > 0:

print("There area unit many individuals within the pool.")


print("There isn't anyone within the pool.")

  • if num_people > 10;

print("There may be a heap of individuals within the pool.")

if num_people > 4;

print("There area unit some individuals within the pool.")

if num_people > 0;

print("There area unit many individuals within the pool.")


print("There isn't anyone within the pool.")

Q20. That statement doesn't describe the object-oriented programming idea of encapsulation?

  1. It protects the information from outside interference

  2. A parent category is encapsulated and no information from the parent category passes on to the kid category

  3. It keeps information and therefore the ways that may manipulate that information in one place

  4. It solely permits the information to be modified by ways

Q21. What's the aim of AN if/else statement?

  1. AN if/else statement tells the pc that chunk of code to run if the directions you coded area unit incorrect

  2. AN if/else statement runs one chunk of code if all the imports were triple-crown, and another chunk of code if the imports weren't triple-crown

  3. AN if/else statement executes one chunk of code if a condition it true, however a distinct chunk of code if the condition is fake

  4. AN if/else statement tells the pc that chunk of code to run if there's enough memory to handle it. And that chunk of code to run if there's not enough memory to handle it

Q22. What intrinsic Python information sort is usually wanted to represent a queue?

  1. Dictionary

  2. set

  3. None. You'll solely build a stack from scratch.

  4. List

Q23. What's the right syntax for instantiating a replacement object of the sort Game?

  1. my_game = category. Game()

  2. my_game = class(Game)

  3. my_game = Game()

  4. my_game = Game.create()

  5. my_game = Game()

Q24. What will the intrinsic map() perform?

  1. It creates a path from multiple prices in AN iterable to one value.

  2. It applies a perform to every item in AN iterable and returns the worth of that perform.

  3. It converts a fancy price sort into less complicated price sorts.

  4. It creates a mapping between 2 totally different parts of various iterable.

Q25. If you do not expressly come a price from a performance, what happens?

  1. The performance can come with a RuntimeError if you do not come with a price.

  2. If the come keyword is absent, the perform can come None.

  3. If the come keyword is absent, the perform can come True.

  4. The perform can enter AN infinite loop as a result of it will not recognize once to prevent capital punishment its code.

Q26. What's the aim of the pass statement in Python?

  1. it's wont to skip the yield statement of a generator and come with a price of None.

  2. it's a null operation used principally as a placeholder in functions, classes, etc.

  3. it's wont to pass management from one statement block to a different one.

  4. it's wont to skip the remainder of a jiffy or for loop and come to the beginning of the loop.

Q27. What's the term I want to describe things that will be passed into a function?

  1. arguments

  2. paradigms

  3. attribute

  4. decorators

Q28. that assortment sort is employed to associate values with distinctive keys?

  1. slot

  2. dictionary

  3. queue

  4. sorted list

Q29. Once will a for loop stop iterating?

  1. once it encounters AN infinite loop

  2. once it encounters AN if/else statement that contains an opening keyword

  3. once it's assessed every item within the iterable it's acting on or an opening keyword is encountered

  4. once the runtime for the loop exceeds O(n^2)

Q30. Assuming the node is in an exceedingly separately joined list, what's the runtime complexes of looking for a selected node among a separately joined list?

  1. The runtime is O(n) as a result of within the worst case, the node you're looking for is that the last node, and each node within the joined list should be visited.

  2. The runtime is O(NK), with n representing the amount of nodes and k representing the number of times it takes to access every node in memory.

  3. The runtime can't be determined unless you recognize what percentage nodes are a unit within the separately joined list.

  4. The runtime is O(1) as a result of you'll index on to a node in an exceedingly separately joined list.

Q31. Given the subsequent 3 lists, however would you produce a replacement list that matches the required output written below?

fruits = ['apples', 'oranges', 'bananas']

quantities = [5, 3, 4]

prices = [1.50, 2.25, 0.89]

# Desired output

[('Apples', 5, 1.50), ('Oranges', 3, 2.25), ('Bananas', 4, 0.89)]

  • output = []

fruit_tuple_0 = (first[0], quantities[0], price[0])


fruit_tuple_1 = (first[1], quantities[1], price[1])


fruit_tuple_2 = (first[2], quantities[2], price[2])


return output

  • i = 0

output = []

for fruit in fruits:

temp_qty = quantities[i]

temp_price = prices[i]

output.append((fruit, temp_qty, temp_price))

i += 1

return output

  • groceries = zip(fruits, quantities, prices)

return groceries

i = 0

output = []

for fruit in fruits:

for qty in quantities:

for value in prices:

output.append((fruit, qty, price))

i += 1

return output

Q32. What happens after you use the inherent operate all() on a list?

  1. The all() operation returns a mathematician worth that answers the question "Are all the things during this list the same?"
  2. The all() operation returns True if all the things within the list are reborn to strings. Otherwise, it returns False.
  3. The all() operation can return all the values within the list.
  4. The all() operate returns True if all things within the list judge to True. Otherwise, it returns False.

Q33. What's the right syntax for line of work associate instance technique on a category named Game?

  • >>> dice = Game()
  • >>> dice.roll()

  • >>> dice = Game(self)
  • >>> dice.roll(self)

  • >>> dice = Game()
  • >>> dice.roll(self)

  • >>> dice = Game(self)
  • >>> dice.roll()

Q34. What's the recursive paradigm of fast sort?

  1. Backtracking
  2. dynamic programming
  3. decrease and conquer
  4. divide and conquer

Q35. What's the runtime quality of the list's inherent.append() method?

  1. O(1), conjointly referred to as constant time
  2. O(log n), conjointly referred to as power time
  3. O(n^2), conjointly referred to as quadratic time
  4. O(n), conjointly referred to as linear time

Q36. What's the key distinction between a collection and a list?

  1. Assortment} is an associated ordered collection of distinctive things. An inventory is associate unordered assortment of non-unique things.
  2. Components are retrieved from an inventory however they can not be retrieved from a collection
  3. assortment} is an associated ordered collection of non-unique things. An inventory is associate unordered assortment of distinctive things.
  4. Assortment} is associate unordered collection of distinctive things. An inventory is associate ordered assortment of non-unique things.

Q37. What's the definition of abstraction as applied to object-oriented Python?

  1. Abstraction implies that a unique kind of code is used, since several details square measure already legendary to the program behind the scenes.
  2. Abstraction suggests that the implementation is hidden from the user, and solely the relevant information or info is shown.
  3. Abstraction implies that the info and also the practicality of a category square measure combined into one entity.
  4. Abstraction implies that category|a category} will inherit from quite one parent class.

Q38. What will this operate print?

Def print_alpha_nums(ABC_list, num_list):

for char in ABC_list:

for num in num_list:

print(char, num)


print_alpha_nums(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3])

  • a 1

a 2

a 3

b 1

b 2

b 3

c 1

c 2

c 3

  • ['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3]

  • aaa






  • a 1 2 3

b 1 2 3

c 1 2 3

Q39. What's the right syntax for line of work associate instance technique on a category named Game?

  • my_game = Game()


  • my_game = Game()


  • my_game = Game(self)


  • my_game = Game(self)


Q40. Correct illustration of doctest for operate in Python

  • def sum(a, b):

# a = 1

# b = 2

# sum(a, b) = 3

come back a + b

  • def sum(a, b):


a = 1

b = 2

sum(a, b) = 3


come back a + b

  • def sum(a, b):


>>> a = 1

>>> b = 2

>>> sum(a, b)



come back a + b

  • def sum(a, b):


a = 1

b = 2

sum(a, b) = 3


come back a + b

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